Close to 1000 academics, professionals and researchers shared their researches, experience and findings in the field of human factors, ergonomics, and usability at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International 2010 and the affiliated HAAMAHA conference on July17-20, at the Intercontinental in Miami, Florida, USA.
Over 891 papers were presented in over 10 parallel interactive sessions. Topics included the most recent research and technology in Medico-ergonomics and Patient Safety, Aviation Designing New Buildings and Facilities for End Users, Ergonomics Hazards and Prevention, Users Interface Design, Online Human Error Management, Methods and Instruments for Ergonomic Design of Production Systems, Universal Access to Novel Interaction Environments, Impact of Human Factors on Technical Systems Failure, and Cognitive and Physical Work Analysis and Design.
One of the major themes of the conference was medico-ergonomics and patient safety which is one of the growing fields in ergonomics and human factors. As Dr. James Bagian the Chief Patient Safety Officer and the Director and Founder of the National Center for Patient Safety at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs underlined in his keynote speech, patient safety is not handled anymore just by a single physician but by a whole complex system. Numerous research papers were then presented in a technical session covering a variety of human factors issues that need to be taken into consideration to ensure patient safety including: human computer interaction, engineering modeling and patient management in health system.
The proceedings of the conference containing all the papers presented at the conference are available in digital format. The hard copies of the proceedings are in eight volumes published by the CRC Press.
The AHFE International 2012 will be held in the beautiful city of San Francisco.
Published in The Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International NEWS
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