Friday, March 9, 2012

RSA® Conference 2012, San Francisco: Security, Security, Security

RSA® Conference 2012, San Francisco: Security, Security, Security

RSA® Conference 2012 was held from February 27th – March 2nd in San Francisco. RSA was a gathering of professionals and companies providing the latest technology in computer security.
With growing concerns in data protection, defense against cyber attacks, and even privacy, consumers and enterprises have grown more and more sensitive to security issues. Several recent and important data breaches have occurred. The Sony PlayStation Network failing to protect personal information and credit card numbers of up to 77 million users, the Epsilon, an email service provider that put the customers of at least 50 major companies at risk from targeted phishing attacks, and the vulnerability of iPhones and other smart phones in protecting users' data and other such contact information stored on the smart devices are among just a few examples that depict just why security is a primary concern in computer technology.
One of the main areas of interest in the RSA was the expansion of cloud computing. The growth of this has caused data like patient pacemakers, banking, consumer notes and ideas innovative security technology to be stored on the cloud.
On the exhibition floor one would notice the expansion of technology to protect the cloud access security with more traditional methods such as encryption, authentication technologies, and file transfers.
Although there was not one specific outstanding technology or product being offered in this year's conference, it was certainly made apparent that when it comes down to it, technology cannot provide a solution for the security issues brought on by another person gaining the authentication information.


Published in: HCI International NEWS
- March. 2012 - Number 52

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